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Frequently Asked Questions

In hope of addressing all your questions, here is a list of some frequently asked questions. If not addressed here, feel free to contact us through Instagram, LinkedIn, or email.

How can I grow my profile on The Innovative STEMagazine?

Because our mission is to clearly show writers (and organizations) what their impact is, there is very clear ways to grow your blog on our website. Firstly, by going to the writer's profile, you will be able to view the amount of followers who have followed your account. In addition to this, all the articles written by your account is also shown. As you grow, you will be able to see how much people have read and interacted with your account.

What Citation Format is Used?

The Citation Format we use is APA. Every website and picture will need to be cited!

How Do I Get a Higher Position?

 You can get higher positions if you're active and write articles often. We need hard-working teen with a mind in STEM that can help us innovate! 

What Organizations Write Here?

Some of the main organizations that write here are Engineering Pivot and Medicine Community and Research. Feel free to check them out here! 

Engineering Pivot:
Medicine Community and Research:

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